The End of Homo Sapiens: And the Birth of a New Species by Thomas Beck, Ph.D.

The End of Homo Sapiens: And the Birth of a New Species presents a compelling account of the spiritual awakening of humanity.  Our species shift is occurring through the enlightening of individuals such as Thomas Beck, who was initiated into expanded states via meditation and otherworldly beings.  By sharing his own personal story as well as psychotherapy case stories, Dr. Beck convinces us that a phase-transition to a higher order species, Homo sapiens lumina, has already begun.

In the wink of an eye, “Angie,” an inter-dimensional Being, lovingly initiated four-year old Tommy into transcendence.  Angie’s profound awareness infused Tommy just by her loving presence.  In a single instant, Angie imparted the unity of life throughout the Cosmos…  through profound love, the glue that holds the universe together.  Thomas Beck thus exemplifies the vast capacity of Homo sapiens lumina to love.

Just as “Angie” reset his nervous system, Dr. Thomas Beck now helps others actively engage in our evolutionary upgrade.  He teaches the sacred practices of mindfulness meditation and lucid dreaming and introduces brain neuroplasticity—our innate ability to transition from trauma to transcendence.  Experience who we truly are—an awakening, star-faring species coming into resonance with the Earth, and in harmony with the Cosmos. The End of Homo Sapiens: And the Birth of a New Species is, above all, a guidebook to awakening.

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Reviews of The End of Homo Sapiens

"Captures the essence of heightened state of awareness and will be essential for moving into the next phase of human evolution, a star-faring species in peace and joy with the universe and with ourselves."
— Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D.,
Author of Orbiting the Moons of Pluto

"This book is an essential guide for the Western Culture's mindset and humanity as a whole, concerning our collective/personal evolution.  As mankind struggles blindly with crisis after crisis ... unbeknownst to us, we all are trying to make this expansive, transformative leap into the beautiful unknown.  Thomas Beck addresses our deep wounds in a practical, radical way, using our "trauma" to catapult us into higher states of Consciousness --- through meditation, EMDR, dreamwork, communing with Nature's sentient ocean beings, and otherworldly advanced helpers."

"Tom's telling of his personal story is very engaging and heartfelt, and behind his written word I could personally feel the influence of his heart-centered consciousness.  I believe Tom deeply feels the pulse of humanity ... and that there is, indeed, an evolutionary shift brewing on humanity's horizon.  There is a universal call for all to be part of this amazing, cosmic happening."

— David Jakel

About the Author

Dr. Thomas Beck is a psychotherapist with more than 20 years experience helping people to integrate trauma and transformational experiences. He previously worked in the aerospace industry where he developed a passion for aircraft spaceflight and clean renewable energy.


Janet Colli, Ph.D.
Thomas Beck, Ph.D.
206.329.9235 (Seattle)
360.678.7737 (Whidbey Island)

The Good Shepherd Center
4649 Sunnyside Ave. N., Ste. 341
Seattle, Washington 98103, also
Coupeville (Whidbey Island)


Janet Colli, Ph.D.
Thomas Beck, Ph.D.
206.329.9235 (Seattle)
360.678.7737 (Whidbey Island)

The Good Shepherd Center
4649 Sunnyside Ave. N., Ste. 341
Seattle, Washington 98103, also
Coupeville (Whidbey Island)


Book Quotes

Ultimately, the survival of our species may depend upon a simple evolutionary dynamic. To survive is to evolve. Our species naturally evolves as we listen to the eternal rhythms within us, and without us. The answers to all our hard questions are encoded in the primordial sound of dragonfly wings. Nested in the diamond-like flashes of sunlight reflecting off the ocean’s surface. Everything we need for the evolution of Homo sapiens is present, if only we are present. Open your senses to reality.


The tiniest insect crawling up my pant leg. The furthest galaxy, floating like an immense thought at an unfathomable distance, billions of light-years away. People sit somewhere, out there, on a bluff overlooking their ocean, near a strange, far-off sun, wondering about me. Their minds connect to my mind instantaneously. A perfect fit.


I am now miraculously face-to-face with this Luminous Being. In a state of wonderment, I see my Cosmic Mother gazing deeply into my eyes from the vastness — looking into my soul. And my soul, an essence that encompasses many lifetimes lived in her presence, is reflected back to me. I am falling, falling into Angie’s mind, an oceanic expanse of everything and nothing. My body wilts in her presence. I become as a whisper.


Suddenly, we are in the midst of four or five great whales. Humpbacks virtually surround our small boat. Then, the greatest gift of all. One giant surfaces to breathe — rising out of the depths — immediately in front of us. Just in time, I turn to see his huge tail disappear beneath the waves. Then, unaccountably, the big fellow swims over and stations himself just below the surface, directly beneath our boat.  The Humpback has positioned his giant body incredibly close to our vessel. And he did so with obvious conscious intent.


From a heightened perspective, love is the most potent energy in Creation. No negative thought-form, no weapon of mass-distraction — comes remotely close to competing with the influence of unconditional love. This simple message is what all great spiritual teachers convey. Love is the single truth that pervades every cubic inch of space, every second of time, and all dimensions of conscious awareness. Love is truly the glue that holds the universe together.


Snow Leopard, by Thomas Beck
Watercolor and gouache on Fabriano paper Elusive in the wild, these endangered cats are now protected in their natural domain.


Copyright © 2019 Janet Colli